A Deep Dive into New HPE Storage Innovations


  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise

About This Webinar

From AI advancements to cyber threats, significant market acquisitions, and rising sustainability demands, the role of storage has undergone a fundamental transformation. Join Simon Watkins, Director, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Storage, as he reveals new groundbreaking HPE storage innovations just announced designed for a new data paradigm and a glimpse into the roadmap. Our hybrid-by-design approach addresses the promise and challenges of AI, enabling enterprises to streamline operations, optimize workloads, and unlock the full potential of AI without sacrificing the agility needed to meet unprecedented data demands

  1. Scott Bekker

    Host Scott Bekker Webinar Moderator Future B2B

  2. Simon Watkins

    Featuring Simon Watkins Director, Storage Product Marketing Hewlett Packard Enterprise

  3. To Be Announced

    Featuring To Be Announced HPE